Concrete Mixer Truck Pmb6.5 Pmb7 Pmb7.1 Pmb7.8 Pmb8 Speed Reducer, PMB6.5 Gearbox
PMB6 PMB6.5 PMB7 PMB7.1 PMB7.8 PMB8 Concrete Mixer Truck PMP Gearbox
and TMP070 TMP089 Pump TMM070 TMM089 Motor TMG51.2 TMG61.2 TMG71.2 Sauer Transit Mixer Gearbox.
1. Completely interchangeable with original
2. Planetary Gearboxes for Mobile Equipment
3. For travel drives in tracked and wheeled vehicles
4. Also suitable for other applications, e.g. rotary motion sequences,
drum drives, milling drum drives etc.
5. High speed cranked shell reducer
6. Compact two-, three- or four-stage planetary gearboxes
7. Cageless planetary gear bearing
8. Robust main bearing
9. Optimized seals
10. Integr. multi-disc parking brake
11. Optional with wheel drives: mechanical disconnecting device
12. Easy mounting
13. Easy oil change
14. Low-noise operation
15. Very competitive price
16. 1 year of warranty
17. Short delivery time.
Hydraulic pump test stand,Hydraulic Motor Test Stand,Gear Pump Test Bench